
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

An Unidentified Fuzzy Visitor

When your husband is a tree surgeon, you never know what little visitors will come home with him. Sometimes he brings them home on purpose, like the baby squirrels that we raised. Sometimes they grab a ride in his pocket or on his shoe and he doesn't even know they are there until we find them. Today was one of those days. Thomas came in from work, and Katarina noticed that a little fuzzy visitor dropped of his shoe and landed on the floor.

Time for a quick rescue and a trip to the grass outside.

Thomas held the little guy for a minute before putting him down on the grass.

"Help! I'm falling!!"

Whew! Almost back on top of the leaf.

Katarina wanted to touch him....but at the same time she didn't want him to touch her! Conundrum.

"Hey! I see you looking at me, crazy camera lady!"

"Would you like this leaf?"
....he didn't seem very interested.

I love all his fuzzy little hairs sticking out everywhere.
So cute.

The best part of having this fuzzy visitor today? Seeing the wonder on my daughter's face as she watched him.

Katarina and I tried to look him up in all of her animal books, and online. We couldn't figure out what kind of caterpillar he is, or what kind of butterfly he will become. Do you know?  

If you want a close up look at other people's worlds, 
check out this week's Thematic Photography.
For more things that are making people happy, check out The Happiness Project.



  1. hmm he may not even be that type of caterpillar. He kind of resembles what we call bacco worms.. and they spit lol. hence the name bacco worm.. guess what it looks liek oh yeah you guessed lol...

  2. What a wonder God's little creatures are...and how much we take it all for granted. You bring lots of light and smiles all the way to India with your posts, Tracie.

  3. Love those pictures, but don't really dig the whole caterpillar thing...although he is cute in an ewww kinda way!!

  4. I have no idea what that is, but great pictures!

  5. What great close-ups! Those silly hairs are kinda making me chuckle!

  6. Kiddos + Insects = Fascination!

    Come by when you can...

  7. Your camera is fan dandy tastic!!!
    I love the closeups...
    And the captions, you really are quite good at that--crazy camera!

    love to you on A tuesday!
    Approve my comment cause I am just all cool like that babe! :)

  8. ahh creepy crawlers Bailey is all excited looking at these pics lol :)

  9. These are beautiful shots. He is a fascinating little thing, isn't he?

    I love watching the wonder in a child's face as they experience something new. Thanks for sharing that.

    And thanks for stopping by my blog. You might be interested in my other blog that isn't listed. It's

  10. I love little bugs and critters like that. My kids do, too. We tend to find ladybugs in the house sometimes, and when we do, we always take them outside and put them on a leaf somewhere. AMAZING photos, Tracie!

  11. i have no clue! but if you find out, please post!

  12. beautiful. really beautiful. in a creepy crawly way.

  13. He is so cute and fuzzy. I would have dropped him in a Mayonaise jar with holes punched in the lid with some leaves for food.

    You did the right thing to set him free though.

  14. Great shots, and I loved the captions, too.


  15. I love the fascination that children have with nature!

  16. Thanks for stopping at my blog, hope you come back again soon!

    What a cute little guy! I wouldn't have wanted to touch him either, but it's cool you tried to turn it into a learning op for your daughter.

  17. I'm not sure what kind of caterpillar he is, he seemed unusual to me to. I'd be interested to know myself! Great photos! I love that little critters follow him home, too cute!!

    We once bought a plant from a garden shop, and later dicovered that it came with a compliemntary fuzzy adorable caterpillar! I was so excited, bc I love them, but don;t see them too often. I was pregnant at the time, so I felt determined that he found me/sought me out to take care of him, Ha!

    Too cute, huh? I checked on him everyday, till he disappeared. Floating around here somewhere.

    Hey, if you're on facebook, will you vote for our little pumpkin in a local Beautiful Baby contest. The details are on my blog post!

    We sure could use your vote!;)

    Thank sso much, Love ya, Lindsay XOXO

  18. I have no idea what kind it is, but I love the picture of her looking at it. When my sister and I were younger we thought they were called Killerpatters haha.

  19. My husband used to be in pest control and he brought home the cute and not-so-cute things too. This caterpillar is very cool!
