From Tracie: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


What a crazy week this has been. A lot of stuff has been happening, but just not a lot of stuff that I can share many details about. (because you never know who is out there reading.....)

I will say this much, though. It started out with car issues-that aren't completely resolved, but will be soon. It continued with some "other" issues that felt like the worst possible thing, but have quickly shown to be opportunities for blessings and growing and moving forward (just in different ways than we would probably have planned it for ourselves-but God is in control and everything is always better when He is the one making the plans!)

So, all in all, I expect good things to come out of all of this, and I expect to be back around my computer again this week ---------- It is sad to go days without blogging, I really missed it!


  1. Oh, Yay, she is back :) I am sorry things weren't going so good, but glad they are all better!! I can relate to the going bad thing... I thought dh was going to have a full blown anxiety attack today over money... but I think I got everything all straitened out!! Prayers on that one... you pray for me and I will continue to keep you in my prayers, K? :) Double duty!!!

  2. I have to tell you, just reading the post title, and I have that song in my head. I am sorry you have had a rough couple of days. I am sure they will start looking up soon. I am right there with you in the I had a really bad day area! By the way, Wendy sent me your way!

  3. I'm with Lisa! Now I have that song in my head :) hehe...
    My Grandma always says to me (when I'm down and out) that God works in mysterious ways, so I try my best to weed through a bad thing and find the good in it :)

  4. Ah, golly, I am always having car issues, I just hate them ;). Back from Wendy again ;).

  5. I really like how you did your blogrolls in your sidebar! Too kewl!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog even if Wendy made you do it! I love the design of your blog- beautiful!

  7. Thank you for all the sweet comments!

    Thanks Les! DOuble Duty sounds good to me!
