1. The top thing on my mind is.....I am really missing my daughter. I know that she is having a great time vacationing with her grandparents, but I can't wait for her to get home. Come quick Saturday!
2. My husband is usually the voice of reason when we grocery shop.
Husband: You already put two different flavors of ice cream in the buggy. Do you really need the big box of Little Debbie German Chocolate Rings
Me: Well, ice cream is cold, and sometimes I am not in the mood for something cold. Hence, the Little Debbie's.
Husband: But you got the Milano cookies and they aren't cold.
Me: Yeah, but those are cookies. There's a big difference in texture and flavor.
Husband: And I guess you are going to tell me that the oatmeal cream pies are different too?
Me: Of course. Now if we could just go pick up some Twizzlers.........
3. The other day he went to the grocery store without me, and I guess he thought it would be fun to pretend he was Tracie while he shopped. Along with some other fun items, he brought home something that I hadn't had in years........Pop-Ice. *Yum!* I had forgotten how good those were. And now...I am addicted. That's right my name is Tracie and I am addicted to pop-ice, especially the blue ones. Oh, yeah, and the red ones. And the pink ones are pretty good too. In fact, yesterday, I ate 12. In one day. And now that I have admitted my problem, excuse me while I make a quick trip to the freezer, because there is an orage pop-ice calling my name.
4. Talking about food. Here is something not to read while you are eating......No "cat's pee wine" for me!
5. Did you see this guy on Dr. Phil last week?
Alright already, lady, put the kids in their own room! It's pretty bad when your husband lives in a tent on the roof......I hope that your area isn't prone to strong winds.
6. We rented Failure to Launch and I was surprised at how much I liked it. Of course how can you not like a movie that actually has the line "You have been bitten by a lizard of peace" in it? It is a fun new thing to say......I don't know at what point in my life I will be able to use that quote, but you never know!
7. Vegetable Tracking. I hope that it makes you sleep better tonight to know that this has been taken care of.
8. Have you ever noticed in movies and tv shows how someone will get in a car accident and everyone is waiting in the emergency room and the doctor will come out and say, "the patient is doing well.....he has a concussion and ruptured his spleen. We removed the spleen and he will be fine. You can probably take him home tomorrow"
This led me to believe as a child (and I haven't ever learned anything to make me believe differently) that the spleen must be a useless organ. People everywhere were having it removed with no side effects. So, I was sitting here thinking about that and wondered what exactly does a spleen do, anyway. I looked it up on WebMD and they actually say "the spleen is a useful, but nonessential organ". Well, I guess all of those doctors on General Hospital were right all along--we don't really need a spleen after all!
9. Have you tried that lemon toothpaste? I bought some and have found it to be strangely good....like lemon, and yet minty.
10. If you are in Dublin, be on the lookout for Hoppy, the runaway kangaroo. If you see him, be sure to take pictures!
11. I just wanted to let you know that the orange pop-ice was delicious. So was the green one.
12. I am trying to think of a better way to organize our DVDs. Right now we have this shelf with five shelves and four sections of each shelf. We separated all of the movies by genre and had sections going (comedy, drama, kids, based on a true story, musicals, classics, westerns, etc.) But, some movies go in more than one section.......so I will spend an hour taking new movies that we buy and deciding where to put them (and maybe rearranging a little). Then a couple of days later I will go to watch a movie and will find that my husband has rearranged. We keep going back and forth on this. Maybe I will alphabetize them. Should I mix the tv shows in with the movies or alphabetize them in different sections? Let this be a lesson to you--when you obsessively, compulsively buy movies it may be necessary to also obsessively, compulsively organize them.
13. Whenever I am in a store or shopping mall and I see someone wearing camouflage, I have this overwhelming urge to go bump into them and say "I'm sorry, I couldn't see you standing there"
Oh, your shopping sounds a lot like mine!! And I loved Failure to Launch... glad I bought that one instead of renting first!!
ReplyDeleteHappy TT!!
Love random lists like this! I totally agree with your theory on ice cream and cookies and all those other yummy (and essential) goodies.
ReplyDeleteLemon toothpaste... my sons favorite. But he's not a good one to judge by... he enjoyed using Shrek's CHOCOLATE toothpaste. I love chocolate, but that's just nasty!
My 13 are up!
Boy, I could really use some Pop Ice right about now. Our heat index was 111 today! Except I don't know if I should eat it or rub it all over me. *g*
ReplyDeleteI love reading Thursday Thirteens. Such fun. I haven't had a Pop Ice in ages either. Around here, they only seem to come in boxes of 100 and the last time I bought one, they sat in my basement freezer for years. Yes, years.
ReplyDeleteMichele sent me early this morning. I have insomnia tonight. Hope you're having a good day!
I dont usually show with my husband, either he goes or I go...though the tent on the roof sounds like a good idea.....
ReplyDeleteI like the gingerbread men..
ReplyDeleteGood list!
My TT is up....
You know what? I really liked Failure to Launch, too. I thought I wouldn't because I am not a huge SJP fan. ButI truly liked the movie.
ReplyDeleteKnow what for number 13? ME TOO! ha ha.
ReplyDeletei wasn't a real big fan of the lemon toothpaste but i did try the cinnimon one and enjoyed it (as much as one really enjoys things like toothpaste, eh?)
ReplyDeletei've posted 13 too at
Girlfriend you totally crack me up (even though I did gain 5 pounds just reading your grocery shopping talk!)
ReplyDeleteROTFL! I loved number 13. Now I kind of what to do that next time I see someone wearing camouflage.
ReplyDeleteI tried orange toothpaste once. Too sweet! Guess I'm just conditioned for toothpaste to be minty.
ReplyDeleteMy TT's up too--at goddessinthecity.blogspot.com
Heh I'm obsessive about my movie organization too! My husband doesn't care. He'll even let them wander into other movie's cases. Ohhh that makes me crazy.
ReplyDeletemy TT is up too!
The lines about the pop ice cracked me up! My weekness is mint Oreo cookies. I can eat a whole package. They are the devil I tell ya!
ReplyDeleteI want to try that lemon toothpaste!! Happy TT, mine's up ;).
ReplyDeleteHaha on the camouflage! And I just ate the last of the ice cream and there is NO dessert in the house, which is why your post made me want to run out and buy oatmeal cream pies right away.
ReplyDeleteThose pop-ices are going down well, aren't they??
btw - The spleen is not non-essential:
The spleen's major role is as a filter against foreign organisms that infect the bloodstream, and removing old red bloods cells and recycling them. It also plays a handful of minor roles. During a baby's time in the womb, it manufactures red blood cells, a role that's taken over by bone marrow after the birth. It can also act as a reservoir for blood.
Causes of rupture
The spleen's vulnerable location means it's at risk of injury. A severe blow to the stomach area can crush the spleen, tearing its covering and the tissue inside it.
A ruptured spleen is the most common serious complication of an abdominal injury and may occur as a consequence of road traffic accidents, sports injuries and violent, physical attacks.
Protecting your future
It's important that those who've had their spleen removed protect themselves against infection. In particular, they should be vaccinated against pneumococcal infection.
I am always amazed how the writers always underestimate the spleen.
#13 is hilarious...I've always wanted to do that myself!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thursday!
Excellent list!
ReplyDeleteI laughed a little too loudly here at work and since no one else was with me, well, you get the idea!
This is a GREAT list! I love your shopping logic! And I, too, am a Pop Ice enthusiast!
ReplyDeleteGreat list! 13 made me laugh out loud.
ReplyDeleteGo with alphabetical on your DVD's, put the tv shows in there by the name of the series. It's made my life MUCH easier.
Pop ice! Oh no, now you have me going! Great list, loved the striking hubby link. -Margie
ReplyDeleteI don't know-- failure to launch had the nude guy that I was not ready for and the sex scenes. Other than that, the whole thing with the gothic girl was a little much. Some things omitted would have made it a great story.
ReplyDeleteLOL @ # 13.. Me and my hubby joke about that all the time. Everytime he or I wear camo we are always doing that to each other.. Or saying Oh I am sorry I didn't see you ... lol funny stuff.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderfully random list. I loved it. Went and signed the petition for the poor husband sleeping on the roof. Missed the show. Will be trying out that lemon toothpaste soon.
ReplyDeleteHere I am, reading along, cruising your T13 and really enjoying it, then you make me nearly choke on the last one, what a hoot! I loved your list by the way, so much random goodness here :) I haven't had that particular kind of popsicle, but I used to LOVE them as a kid. Still, to this day, if I'm sick, I try to coerce my husband to going to the store to buy me popsicles. We rented Failure to Launch this week too, and I enjoyed it. I was expecting comedy, and was mildly surprised, but we still liked it. And girl - you would never want to go grocery shopping with me, I'm probably worse than your husband on the "we don't need that, that's bad for you" stuff, LOL.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a terrific day, and that Saturday comes soon, so you can see your daughter again soon!
Definately random but you sound so much like me! LOL
ReplyDeleteAs a fellow DVD Addict...ALPHABETIZE THEM ALL---MOVIES AND TV SHOWS...That way you can find anything and everything and maybe your hubby will like this system better!
ReplyDeleteNot that mine are in any order, mund you! (LOL)
Oh, dude, I'm totally doing that camaflouge one sometime. That WOULD be funny.
ReplyDeleteGreat Thursday Thirteen!! Visited a bunch of the URL's you imbedded in the list. Very funny, especially about the veggies in China.
ReplyDeleteI prefer the Crest Vanilla Mint toothpaste. Smells and tastes great!
Hey there, thanks for stopping by. I know exactly what you mean about taking your husband grocery shopping. I try not anymore because we would engage in the same kinds of conversations and it got to be really exhausting. I use to find grocery shopping to be a bit relaxing, weird I know, but I did. I have to say I like that lemony, minty toothpaste. I was also surprised and thought I would hate it but you're right, there is something strange about the two flavors together. Love you blog. Hope your little girl gets home soon!
ReplyDeleteToodles, Maryanne
I'm excited to get to that point where I have a child to miss when they're on vacation!!! Milano cookies rock. Definitely up there on the top 5 list of cookies. And, by the way, what the heck are pop ices???
ReplyDeleteTracie your TT was HILARIOUS! I will definitely revisit your site! Thank you for coming by mine!
ReplyDeleteI had a purple pop ice earlier--the heat justified it, now I'm thinking on having another once I get the kids to bed!
Ha. Thanks a LOT!
Ack! I didn't mean to appear anonymous. Sorry!
ReplyDelete13 thusrdays, I don't understand how this works or why it works but it looks like fun.
ReplyDeleteMichele sent me.
Good list. I laughed at all the sweets going into the shopping cart. Yesterday I bought Breyer's fruit pop-sicles and they are excellent!! You may want to try those; I think they are better than pop-ice.....LOL
ReplyDeleteMichele sent me.
This is hilarious! You know there are only 25 calories in a pop ice. Eating 12 is like a bowl of cereal with milk. I had NO IDEA little debbie made german chocolate rings. We do #13 to my four year old when he wears his camo pajamas. Never stops being funny!
ReplyDeleteOh and my TT is up
ReplyDeleteHaha, love the list.
ReplyDeleteBTW, the spleen is a very useful organ in childhood. It helps us fight infection by cleaning the blood. My husband does not have his anymore, but had to wait until he was 18 to have it removed. :)
Orange pop ice is the best! I could use one right now it's bloody hot!!!
ReplyDeletelove your list! very fun to read. Thanks for commenting on mine.
I really liked your list! It made me hungry, what with all the chocolate and me craving it like crazy right now! As for #13, I gave my sister a camouflage t-shirt that says, "You can't see me" on it. She wore it to the local Air Force base for an Air show and while she was going though the security check line the uniformed man who took her bag leaned in to her like he was telling her a secret and murmured, "I can see you". She was pretty tickled! Hope you enjoy your reunion with your girl!
ReplyDeleteWay too funny! I hear ya on the grocery thing. I hate going to the grocery store, so I try to send my husband. He used to do when I was working, but now I have to. Doesn't he realize it's cheaper if he goes??
ReplyDeleteLove, love #13.
Thanks for stopping by mine!
Thanks for your list and for visiting my TT. lemon is almost worse then bubblegum flavor!
Love your list Tracie. I don't think your celection of cakes and cookies can be too large! Lemon toothpaste sounds nice!
ReplyDeletemy hubby is the one who's pretty uncontrollable when it comes to grocery shopping. he buys all sorts of cookies!
ReplyDeleteu n ur hubby seem like a fun couple.]
tnx 4 dropping by!
I reall had fun reading your list!!! It's random... but says so much about you... Lemon toothpaste sounds like fun... and so does all the stuff you get when you go shopping....
ReplyDeletehave a lovely weekend...
I think it's OK to organize your DVDs by genre. For any that cross over, such as action/thrillers or romantic/comedies, buy duplicates so they can exist in both places. Of course, if you're separating TV shows from movies, and you have a made-for-TV movie that's a horror/action/comedy/drama/whodunit, you'll probably have to buy about 10 copies.
ReplyDeleteI loved your list. I had a chuckle or two. We love ice-pops also. Actually, we are popsicle fanatics.
ReplyDeleteI so understand the diffferent textures in food needed at different times.
have a great weekend!
Tracie's TT taught me that.. I like Tracie, and I'll be adding her to my links. :) Thanks, Tracie! And thanks for visiting my TT! :)
ReplyDeleteHere via Kailani- Love your list. I'm a grape pop ice fan. And number 13- totally, but I'm a smartass that way.
ReplyDeleteI loved your list and laughed out loud at #13....thanks for stopping by my TT!
ReplyDeleteNow, gotta run to the freezer for a pop-ice.
I love pop ice and otter pops. I love to chew through the plastic and make is all slushy and then slurp it out. I am bizarre...I know. Great and interesting list.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the response to my T13 -- I very much appreciated it. I loved your random T13. Just another reason to keep doing this! I feel inspired!
ReplyDeleteStop by anytime - love the visitors
mmm... ice cream.... My favourite flavour is good ol' vanilla (oh, and I am particularly fond of Rolo Ice Cream too).
ReplyDeleteI could use some of those ice pops right now. Yikes its hot out here!
Thanks for stopping by!
I can relate top number 13! Haha. Sorry I am late but better late than never right.
ReplyDeleteHilarious! Love your list. =)
ReplyDeleteMy first time here. Nice to meet you.
I like your adopted monkey. ;)
Thanks for coming over & checking out my list! =)
tracie, thanks for tagging my T13. Kinda late but I'm here. =)
ReplyDeleteei, you liked Failure To Launch? I didn't. I got so disappointed with McConnaughey...
Me and Kevin are the same way when grocery shopping - it's funny he is so the "reason" in it :)
ReplyDeleteSorry I posted so late...
Hee-hee...you and your hubs sound like us in the grocery store...which is why my hubs is the one who usually does the shopping! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my TT last week! Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.